Technology is a helpful tool to improve our lives. And as time passes by as we grow technology also upgraded. However high technology is not yet fully recognized by everyone specially those technology used in teaching. The challenge now for the teachers is how they integrate those upgraded technology in teaching ? Is it more effective than the traditional tools?

     Teaching using the traditional tool is quite boring for the millennials since most of them were exposed in high technology. Hence we all know teachers are flexible, innovative and initiative, whether they are more comfortable teaching using the traditional they must engage trainings about it and adopt the changes. Integrating technology in math is not quite difficult when teachers have that broad knowledge and also if they have an internet connection that can access easily. There's an applications specially made just for math with just an instant click there's an instant solution. Educational multi media is also available and it’s now the teacher's strategy/technique how he/she deliver it to his/her students in order to have an effective teaching. Then if it’s effective therefore the tools used also effective in learning.

     Teaching with the aide of technology is now the used strategy to have a better learning. It maybe have some  advantages like we can’t control of some technical errors then therefore teachers must always have back up plan.


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